Had the honor to be commissioned by Legion M Entertainment, producers of such movies like COLOSSAL, MANDY, and more, on creating an illustration celebrating their investors, and community as a whole. The goal for this project was to produce creative inspired by Batman answering the Bat Signal from DC Comics. This image to be utilized in a number of merchandise initiatives for the company.
As with any gig, I try to make the relationship as collaborative as possible between the Client and myself. In this case, worked with the stakeholders in taking their initial brief and collaborating with them in providing designs and mood boards to achieve the desired result.
One interesting challenge from this project came from the initial idea of creating something like Batman against the Bat Signal. In this instance, there was no established central character to depict. With that in-mind created a design for the Client to react off of.

Another fun challenge came during the image’s development. Even in the initial stages of thumbnails and pencils, I included little Easter Eggs like the company’s mantra, year of incorporation (fun fact, we’re both March babies, ha-ha), and some shout outs for a few of their projects.
Turned out the Client loved that idea, and we worked together to include their entire project slate. That was such a fun development to try and address in how to revise and incorporate everything. From revising the initial pencils, to taping on additional artboard to build out the world. Definitely loved the process.
In the end, couldn’t have been happier with the result, and I was so grateful that the Client dug it as well.
If you wanted to check out some of the product offerings, you can check out Legion M’s store here: https://shop.legionm.com/collections/legion-m-merch
And if you wanted to learn more about Legion M, you can check out their site here: https://legionm.com/