With the recent rise in more violence against the Asian American community, I wanted to do something to help the movement to push back against that hate. When I would saw the news reports of this recent spike, I couldn’t help but think about the times I was so anxiety ridden to leave my home with fear that violence would be taken against me. And that’s not to mention the worry for my family & loved ones that are affected by this too.
But I got stuck on what I could do for the community I’m a part of. I’m not in a place financially to make significant assistance, but it occured to me that I have the ability to create something with the potential to generate recurring contributions.
A collection of garments on my Threadless store inspired by the initial hashtag when violence initially arose against the AAPI community during this pandemic and seemed fitting here.
Check out a sample of the collection below:
How this will help the movement is I plan on donating proceeds from each sale to Stop AAPI Hate at: https://stopaapihate.org/
But how will this work? With Threadless, and as I imagine similar sites, work is when a purchase is made, my commission is held for 30 days, and a disbursement is made the first business day the following month.
With each forthcoming disbursement, I will check the sales reports of, if any, of the I AM NOT VIRUS sold and make the subsequent donations to Stop AAPI Hate.
I hope you’ll join me in this support, and check out the collection today here.
UPDATE 3/30/21: A number of my friends who aren’t of Asian descent asked me to create something so they can show support as well. If you’re in that category, I added product ‘#Stop Asian Hate!’. Check out the collection today at: https://yellowrant.threadless.com/collections/stop-asian-hate
UPDATE 3/18/21: Threadless has added AAPI organizations committed to pushing back against this hate to their charity groups. So in addition to not having to calculate donations manually, they will also make an additional $1 donation to each sale. AND I added my DEMON LOVE products to this donation effort too. Check out the collections here: https://yellowrant.threadless.com/collections