Oh, finally coming up for air after the San Diego Comic-Con, and how much fun was it to go back in-person and geek out. But geeking out aside, one of the big things I go to the con for is to network, and hopefully build leads for business to create art in entertainment. But where am I going with this?
Well, though I will get into notes from SDCC in another post, wanted to announce something first. I know, “announce”, makes like I’m about to talk about something huge, nothing like that. Like the headline speaks to, thinking about mechs.
See, after coming back from Comic-Con, reminded of a pre-pandemic SDCC, and how in one of the MANY meet-ups organized, one contact mentioned how I was really “proficient” in drawing mechs.
With that in mind, thought I would give myself a challenge. Basically draw a mech everyday for the rest of the year… now, I don’t know how confident I am in this. I mean, I know I’m not the only one to get hyped for Inktober, but always coming out of it with mixed results.
But I think this will be a fun thing to do. I mean, my personal art always leans to sci-fi, and a warm-up sketch and getting more and more in a habit of drawing everyday would be awesome.
Though, as for how you can follow all this? You can keep up on all the work and progress by hitting up any of the platforms below:
Hope you guys will dig the work to come!